Topic: William Henry
Subject: Necklace By: Jonathan Stark Date: 25/10/2019
You rock! Btw Please, how can i get the same necklace you have. Me and my brothers love it! thx from Jonathan
Subject: Scarab necklace By: D. Walls Date: 30/08/2019
I love your necklace and would like to know how to get one, or a close-up photo of it thanks
Subject: Re: Neclace By: Jane Date: 07/01/2019
Are you speaking about the winged scarab? I've been searching for that same necklace for several years and have not been able to find it. Did you ever find it?
Subject: I am curious if i have met. By: john garza Date: 28/01/2017
Dear Mr. Henry did you come to Escondido California and visit avocado packing shed called Henry avocado about twenty five years ago. I am a big fan of your show.
sincerely John Julian Garza.
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